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INESCOP Centre for Technology and Innovation (Associated beneficiary)


INESCOP is an independent organisation of scientific-technical services aimed at companies in the footwear sector and related industries like tannery’s sector. The activities carried out by INESCOP concentrate on satisfying the needs of the industries in these sectors, with regards to the carrying out of tests, quality control, studies of materials, the development and implantation of new technologies, training, information and documentation, the Environment, industrial design, fashion and applied investigation.

Specifically, the Environmental Department at INESCOP develops different activities within the environmental field offering it’s services with the aim to provide a comprehensive solution to companies in the footwear sector and similar sectors: Environmental Management Systems, Clean Tanning Technologies, atmospheric and noise emissions, Ecological Labelling, sewage, industrial waste and training for the companies. In short, INESCOP has wide experience on the study of environmentally-friendly tanning technologies as well as the development of innovative leather tanning processes, in addition to having different pilot installations available aimed at the technical and environmental improvement of leather tannin processes. Likewise, the Environmental Department at INESCOP has participated in several projects as much in investigation and development as in the introduction of new technologies both at a national and international level.


CONTACTS:   Alice dall'Ara (Project coordinator) - Federica Bezzi

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