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ENEA (Coordinating beneficiary)

logo ENEAThe ENEA Faenza MAterial TEchnologies Laboratory (ENEA-SSPT-PROMAS-TEMAF) , in Sustainability Department is located at the Faenza Research Laboratories and has around 3500 square metres of laboratories and offices, on two locations (read more...)

ICCOM-CNR (Associated beneficiary)

logoDevelopment of novel analytical instrumentation and methodology based upon chemical separation science, hyphenated techniques, and multidimensional detection systems.

Selective, sensitive characterization and determination of thiolic compounds and proteins by fluorescence spectrometry and hyphenated techniques (read more...)

INESCOP Centre for Technology and Innovation (Associated beneficiary)

logoINESCOP is an independent organisation of scientific-technical services aimed at companies in the footwear sector and related industries like tannery’s sector. The activities carried out by INESCOP concentrate on satisfying the needs of the industries in these sectors, with regards to the carrying out of tests, quality control, studies of materials, the development and implantation of new technologies, training, information and documentation, the Environment, industrial design, fashion and applied investigation (read more...)

NEWPORT(Associated beneficiary)

logoRelying on many years of experience we have dealt with many kinds of leather using various tanning techniques, always with the greatest care for the environment, and leading market trends. Client assistance is a primary concern of Newport (read more....)


TRADELDA (Associated beneficiary)

logoTRADELDA is specialised in the production and marketing of leather for footwear and leather goods industries, especially high quality pig skin leather that is used for shoe lining. It has more than 40 years of experience in the tanning sector and a European sales network and good international contacts with many companies, such as raw material suppliers (read more....)





   CONTACTS:   Alice dall'Ara (Project coordinator) - Federica Bezzi

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ENEA - Lungotevere Thaon di Revel, 76 - 00196 ROMA Italia - Partita IVA 00985801000 - Codice Fiscale 01320740580